"Classic BF Tuning Sessions" are blocked for an hour and 15 minutes. Distance sessions (conducted via a voice call) have the same benefits as in-person sessions.
The "Classic" Biofield Tuning Session uses custom-made tuning forks to comb through a client's "aura" scientifically termed "the biofield." These tuning forks introduce acoustical waves imbibed with your intention and coherent frequencies to stimulate the nervous system; proficiently locating and releasing areas of tension and simultaneously allowing your systems to reorganize and energize. This process elegantly harmonizes your mental, emotional, and physical state of being.
3 "CLASSIC" BIOFIELD TUNING SESSIONS: Discounted rate for 3 sessions Eileen, founder of BT, suggests a series of three sessions to begin with, generally once a week. Very often issues can be resolved or greatly improved within three sessions, but there is no limit to how many sessions one can receive. Each session builds on the one before it; there are always deeper layers one can address.
*Payment for three sessions is due upon the first session
The focus is on the communication interface between two people. Deep listening is facilitated beyond standard verbal communication.
When our biofeilds intersect the distortions of limiting beliefs can lead to unhealthy interactions. Often these distortions are programmed from birth. This concept can enable a compassionate understanding so one may discover how to Support, Respond, and Connect to Your Partner / Sibling / Parent / Child.
Special Rate for 3 Sessions : $575
due upon 1st session
Embrace the possibility of a successful business. You will acknowledge & release the underlying energetic blockages so you may Receive Creativity, Abundance, & Prosperity.
Achieve and Embrace the Abundance You Deserve!
For those of you that are
Real Estate: Selling Property
Expanding a Business
or Starting a New Opportunity!
Special Rate for 3 Sessions: $550
due upon 1st session
Just like their human counterparts, animals have emotional, mental, and physical needs.
Tuning into the animal's energy is far easier than having them tell us what's wrong!
***Biofield Tuning is not advised for individuals who are extremely ill as it may create a strong healing response in the system. As the body releases tension, any toxins that have been held in constricted tissue are released which has the capacity to produce flu-like symptoms, exhaustion, waves of emotion, loose stools and in extreme cases (very rare) rashes and vomiting. Cancer, pregnancy, palliative care, and pacemakers are contraindicated in Biofield Tuning.
How Often?
Eileen, founder of BT, suggest a series of three sessions to begin with, generally once a week. Very often issues can be resolved or greatly improves within a three sessions, but there is no limit to how many sessions one can receive. Each session builds on the one before it: there are always deeper !layers one can address.
"Sound enters the healing equation from several directions: It may alter cellular functions through energetic effects; it may entrain biological systems to function more homeostatically; it may calm the mind and therefore the body; or it may have emotional effects, which influence neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, which in turn help to regulate the immune system--the healer within."
- Dr. Mitchell Gaynor
Of the different kinds of healing - by medicine, massage, or skeletal adjustments: by affirmation,imagination, will or faith - vibratory healing is the most important." Paramahansa Yoganandya
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